90 Days to Reach Your Goal

life coach, dayton, kidney disease, kidney transplant, chronic illness, toxic positivity, good vibes only, peace

Are you ready to stop quitting on yourself?

life coach, dayton, kidney disease, kidney transplant, chronic illness

Your life looks pretty great from the outside, but you know there are some big changes you’d like to make

It seems like every time you start, something else always seems to need your attention first.

This time it’s your turn.

Everyone else has had their turn.

Now it’s time to take care of you and call in what you really want, with ease, peace, and abundance.

No more hustling for your worth.

No more stopping because you don’t know what to do next.

That all ends here.

Every day, I help women just like you learn to not only dream again, but to go all-in on those dreams.

I teach you how to embrace the messy parts of life and bring back the missing joy into your life.

We are not afraid to do the hard work (even if the work is sometimes learning how to properly rest and nourish our bodies).

We are warriors.

And we have a mission.

We are here to overcome life’s challenges and create incredible lives of meaning and purpose.

What would life look like if you could truly trust yourself?

Imagine a life where you:

-Took yourself seriously and followed through on your commitments to yourself

-Set clear and loving boundaries with the people you care most about

-Paid attention to your intuition and allowed space in your life to receive what you really want

What a few of my clients are saying

Shelby has helped me work through my thoughts and fears and create a more hopeful, positive me! Before everyone saw this on the outside, now I am seeing that me on the inside!

I am no longer feeling trapped by what others need or want or even what my brain tells me I have to do! Shelby has taught me some great tools for listening to my true voice and what I really want. My options have opened up, and my outlook is broader!

Shelby has Awesome goal setting tools that have helped me in the moment and towards the future to plan and create the life I want! The best part is they are practical!

-Sheri R.

Working with Shelby helped me actually be able to identify my priorities for the first time in my life!!

Once we outlined those it was so easy to move forward with goal setting and making sure those, and everything really, was aligned with my priorities and what mattered to me.

I’m still reviewing notes from our sessions and using things that we did because they helped me see myself so much differently, and allowed me to shift the dynamics in my game. – Sarah B.

Writing this brought tears to my eyes because I’m so grateful for you as a coach and a friend. Hope you know you are an answer to my prayers.

Shelby has a such strong belief in me that I can’t help but believe in myself. She offers me an expanse of possibility to not only dream bigger but live the bigger life.

I am more confident!  I am learning to trust myself.

Shelby has helped me get out of frustration and overwhelm and take my goals one step at a time.  She also genuinely celebrates every little or big win with me.  Shelby is awesome!

-Becky S.

Shelby has an amazing way of helping you get out of your own way. The way she phrases things really helps you understand your situation from all angles. Shelby has consistently and constantly empowered me to be in control of my own life. Her caring and nurturing side helps you be compassionate towards yourself as you go through this journey.

Since working with Shelby, I trust myself more. When I am faced with a difficult situation or circumstance, I know that I can handle whatever comes my way. The tools I have learned from Shelby help me love myself more. I don’t sit and judge myself nearly as much. Instead, I can analyze my problems from a neutral place which makes solving them so much easier.

I have had major issues with upper-limiting in the past. Working with Shelby has taught me how to overcome those limits and reach my full potential. Shelby is nothing short of amazing in the way she teaches you that you are in charge of your destiny and the design of your life.

I own a Pilates studio and frequently had issues with instructors and communication. Shelby taught me how to analyze my thoughts and change the outcome of these issues. Now when I need to communicate something with my instructors, I do it from a place of understanding, openness, and love. It is always received that way too! Our studio culture has never been better and I thank Shelby for so much of that!

Camie W.

What you get when we work together:

12 Personalized 1:1 Coaching Sessions

90 Day Virtual Support (through Email/Marco Polo)

Session 1: Nail down your Yearly and 90 Day Goal with Precision and Ease

Session 2: Defining What’s Getting in Your Way

Session 3 & 4: Creating and Implementing Strategies

Session 5-7: Implementation and How to “Get it Done”

Session 8: Refining Obstacles and Strategies

Session 9 & 10: Implementation and Reflection

Session 11 & 12: Finishing Strong Mindset

*Bonus Session 13*: Celebration

Application Bonus:

Book your 15-minute Application Call and I will send you the free recording a Bonus Workshop: Organizing your Schedule with Ease

(valued at $300)

A free gift for you just for applying, no matter what you decide.